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TAC (Track Access Charges) reduction provides fast and unbureaucratic relief for railway undertakings (RUs)

TAC (Track Access Charges) reduction provides fast and unbureaucratic relief for railway undertakings (RUs)

The rail freight sector has made tremendous efforts to keep Europe’s countries running, supporting both industry and society throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Our employees were considered frontliners in the task to supply hospitals with masks, hydro-alcoholic solution, energy to heat medical buildings and maintain continuous supplies of goods like food and beverages in stores.

Green Cargo is testing digital automatic couplers for more efficient rail freight in a unique European collaboration

Green Cargo is testing digital automatic couplers for more efficient rail freight in a unique European collaboration

The equipped wagons will soon leave the maintenance depot in Eskilstuna and arrive in Luleå. That is where Green Cargo will test different automatic coupling options in Swedish winter conditions. Tests will also be conducted in parallel in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Automatic coupling has many advantages for the industry when it comes to safer working conditions and increased production.

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