Jan Kilström to leave Green Cargo for a CEO post in another industry
After five years as the CEO of Green Cargo, Jan Kilström has decided to leave the company to take up a new CEO assignment in the autumn.
After five years as the CEO of Green Cargo, Jan Kilström has decided to leave the company to take up a new CEO assignment in the autumn.
CEO Jan Kilström rode on a locomotive when Eskilstuna’s new marshalling yard opened on Monday. The yard represents a clear investment in line with the company’s growth strategy.
Denne uken deltok vi på Norges største logistikkmesse «Transport & Logistikk» på Gardermoen. Konsernsjef Jan Kilström forklarte i sitt foredrag bakgrunnen for at vi valgte å etablere oss i Norge og innenfor hvilke markedssegmenter vi vil vokse. På messen hadde vi også en stand der vi møtte nåværende og potensielt nye kunder, samarbeidspartnere og interesseorganisasjoner.