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Partnering for more efficient infrastructure

Partnering for more efficient infrastructure

For many years now, Green Cargo and Vossloh Nordic Switch Systems have worked on the transportation of material for switches and complete railway switches. ​“We aim to increase our internal transportation by rail to 20 percent in 2017 and then gradually increase year by year,” says Janne Nilsson, Transport Manager at Vossloh Nordic Switch Systems.

​Lättklinkerbetong AB uses Green Cargo’s eco-friendly freight services

​Lättklinkerbetong AB uses Green Cargo’s eco-friendly freight services

Shipping with Green Cargo means that your shipment is being delivered with minimal climate impact, high levels of safety and in a long-term economically sustainable manner. Lättklinkerbetong AB is one of many companies that has chosen Green Cargo as their freight carrier - the only freight carrier with nationwide coverage that is certified as a Good Environmental Choice for freight transportation.

​Green Cargo works to minimize consequences of the overtime blockade

​Green Cargo works to minimize consequences of the overtime blockade

The union SEKO has announced that conflict measures will take effect at 2 pm on Friday 12 May. Due to the scale of the conflict measures we have had to adjust our traffic. We are actively working to ensure that as many trains as possible run and to keep the number of traffic changes to a minimum.

​Ovako extends logistics contract with Green Cargo

​Ovako extends logistics contract with Green Cargo

Green Cargo and Ovako have extended the shuttle agreements for Smeboxpendeln and Hälleforspendeln for an additional three years. With five cycles a week throughout the year, steel materials are transported in one direction and scrap in the other for recycling in production.

Green Cargo launches a new IT system for domestic rail traffic in Norway

Green Cargo launches a new IT system for domestic rail traffic in Norway

Green Cargo launches a new IT system, PICit, encompassing the company’s entire domestic rail traffic in Norway. The launch began with the Alnabru — Trondheim railway route in mid-March. Green Cargo now has standardized, digital working methods for bookings to deliveries that facilitate status updates for customers’ freight wagons and units with both online and EDI bookings including track & trace.

Foto: Jonatan Rydberg

Boliden extend its agreement with Green Cargo

Boliden has decided to extend its agreement with Green Cargo, which means that the Aitik shuttle and Copper shuttle will continue to be operated by Green Cargo.

Kompensasjonsordning for godstransport med tog

Kompensasjonsordning for godstransport med tog

Det ble den 1.3.2016 innført en kompensasjonsordning som har til hensikt å kompensere for deler av de merkostnader togoperatører og deres kunder måtte få dersom planlagte tog ikke kan kjøres pga infrastrukturelle forhold.

Green Cargo på Norges største logistikkmesse

Green Cargo på Norges største logistikkmesse

Denne uken deltok vi på Norges største logistikkmesse «Transport & Logistikk» på Gardermoen. Konsernsjef Jan Kilström forklarte i sitt foredrag bakgrunnen for at vi valgte å etablere oss i Norge og innenfor hvilke markedssegmenter vi vil vokse. På messen hadde vi også en stand der vi møtte nåværende og potensielt nye kunder, samarbeidspartnere og interesseorganisasjoner.

Jan Kilstrøm Administrerende direktør Green Cargo

Høsten er her og nå tar vi nye skritt for økt vekst

​Endelig høst! Vi i jernbanebransjen går alltid inn i sommerperioden med en viss usikkerhet. Har vi dimensjonert trafikken riktig? Vil antall lokførere og terminalarbeidere være nok, og finnes de på riktig sted? Og la det ikke bli for fint vær, for mye varme og sol øker risikoen for driftsforstyrrelser, og det blir vanskeligere å finne medarbeidere som vil jobbe ekstra.

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